The TSG-51B adds a second set of 12 new digitally synthesized analog NTSC video test signals and patterns to the 12 already present on the standard TSG-50 Test Signal Generator, bringing the total up to 24. The second set of 12 includes various chroma/luma alignment and FCC/Transmitter test patterns and signals, as well as a safe area retical. This wide range of signals and patterns is ideal for setting up, aligning, and evaluating the performance of various video equipment found in the analog portion of a typical video system, such as video monitors, distribution amplifiers, VCRs, switchers, effects generators, TBCs, etc. In addition to the video signals, the TSG-51 also generates composite sync and, with a video DA such as the HORITA VDA-50, becomes a high quality, multiple output, house sync generator. 5 additional outputs which may be configured for all blackburst or in various combinations with sync and subcarrier. Up to 7 black/subcarrier outputs provided on Rackmount and Short Rack models.
- Fully RS-170A SC/H phased and always correct
- Built-in timer can automatically switch video output from video pattern to black and audio tone to silence after 30 or 60 seconds
- Easy and convenient to produce tape leaders of color bars and tone followed by black and silence
- Video signals generated by the TSG-51 are in accordance with industry standard EIA RS-170A video timing specification
- Convenient pattern selection by 12-position front panel rotary switch and 2-position toggle switch
- Generates precise oscilloscope trigger output signal one H line before start of color field 1
- Includes crystal controlled, 1kHz/400Hz, 0dB audio tone output
- 5 additional outputs which may be configured for all blackburst or in various combinations with sync and subcarrier
- Up to 7 black/subcarrier outputs provided on Rackmount and Short Rack models