Pro AV Catalog
Horita - PTG2
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Portable Time Code Generator with 2 Line OLED Display

Model: PTG2

  • Simple to setup and operate and features a large 2-line OLED display readout for time code
  • Ideal generator for use with video recorders in multi camera situations
  • Include sporting events, games, concerts, automobile, aircraft, and boating events, parades, weddings, etc.
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The PTG2 is a palm-sized SMPTE time code generator/reader that is simple to setup and operate and features a large 2-line OLED display readout for time code, user bits, and setup information. The PTG2 is an ideal generator for use with video recorders in multi camera situations where it is necessary for each recording to have the same time code for precise time and image matching during post production. These situations may include sporting events, games, concerts, automobile, aircraft, and boating events, parades, weddings, etc.

  • Simple to setup and operate and features a large 2-line OLED display readout for time code
  • Ideal generator for use with video recorders in multi camera situations
  • Include sporting events, games, concerts, automobile, aircraft, and boating events, parades, weddings, etc.
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